Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Tackle it Tuesday: Accomplishments

1. I bought the circus tickets. Saved $18.80 for not just doing it on the phone.
2. Went to the furniture store. The stuff that was on sale was junk. Saved gobs of money for not buying anything. At all.
3. Started reading a book. I read 3 chapters. This book is HEAVY DUTY. Have to think about it. I'll review it when I finish. Hopefully soon.
4. Did a load of laundry. Hey, it's better than nothing.
5. Closet 6. Computer desk and 7. My desk will have to wait. Oh well.
8. Bought 10 pounds of potatoes. We'll fire up the fish cooker tomorrow and boil them. I also bought a new potato masher today. I was thinkin' ahead.
9. Web page will wait for another day.
10. Kids and I played outside for a little while this afternoon. We read some books. Sang songs. Listened to our Bible school song CD. You know, all of that fun stuff.

All in all, it was a pretty productive day.

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